Conservatism (from Wikipedia)

Submitted by craigdnet1 on Mon, 02/17/2020 - 06:51

Conservatism in the United States is a political and social philosophy characterized by respect for American traditionsrepublicanism, support for Christian valuesmoral universalism, pro-business and anti-labor union,anti-communism,individualism, advocacy of American exceptionalism, and a defense of Western culture from the perceived threats posed by socialismauthoritarianism, and moral relativism.

As with all major American political parties, liberty is a core value. American conservatives consider individual liberty—within the bounds of American values—as the fundamental trait of democracy; this perspective contrasts with that of modern American liberals, who generally place a greater value on equality and social justice and emphasize the need for state intervention to achieve these goals. American conservatives believe in limiting government in size and scope, and in a balance between national government and states' rights. Apart from some libertarians, they tend to favor strong action in areas they believe to be within government's legitimate jurisdiction, particularly national defense and law enforcement. Social conservatives oppose abortion and same-sex marriage, while privileging traditional marriage and supporting Christian prayer in public schools.

Like most American political ideologies, conservatism originates from republicanism, which rejected aristocratic and monarchical government and upheld the principles of the United States Declaration of Independence ("All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness") and the United States Constitution (which established a federal republic under the rule of law). Conservative philosophy is also derived in part from the classical liberal tradition of the 18th and 19th centuries, which advocated for laissez-faire economics (i.e. economic freedom and deregulation).

Historians such as Patrick Allitt and political theorists such as Russell Kirk argue that the conservative tradition has played a major role in American politics and culture since 1776. However, they assert that an organized conservative movement with beliefs that differ from those of other American political parties has played a key role in politics only since the 1950s. The recent movement is based in the Republican Party; however, some Southern Democrats were also important figures early in the movement's history.